Jacksonville, Florida Soft Drink Bottling Plants and
Brand Names starting with: "A - B"

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Prepared by Christopher A. Weide

You can Email the Weide's by using the email link at the bottom of my homepage: www.ca-yd.com
 |Jacksonville Soft Drink Bottling Plants and Brand Names: "A - B"                24-Oct-2004    URL address for the Jacksonville Softdrink Home Page:   http://www.ca-yd.com/html/jaxcomp/jaxcomps.htm                           Prepared by Chris Weide       |
 |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              |
 |Year        Company                              Address                  City                 Prop.                            Phone                  Remarks                                                                  Existing Bottles              |
 |1919      | A.F. Dechman & Company             | N/A                    | Jacksonville, FL   | N/A                            | N/A                  | See listing for Dechman under "D".                                     |                               |
 |1928      | A & W Root Beer                    | 109 West Forsyth       | Jacksonville, FL   | N/A                            | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |2001      | A & W                              | N/A                    | Jacksonville, FL   | N/A                            | N/A                  | See 2001 listing for Southeast-Atlantic Beverage (Seabev).             |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | In the 1925-26 Report to the Secretary of State-Florida, R.W. Allen    |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | registered the trademark "A & W Root Beer 5c" on 01-26-1926.           |                               |
 |1925      | A-B Ginger Ale                     | 620 W. Bay Street      | Jacksonville, FL   | Atlantic Distributing Co.      | N/A                  | Listed in various Florida Times-Union ads dated July, 1925.            |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | This is also shown as Anheuser-Busch Ginger Ale.   This is clearly     |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a prohibition inspired beverage.                                       |                               |
 |1927-28   | Abisch, Aaron (soft drinks)        | 620 Margaret           | Jacksonville, FL   | Aaron Abisch                   | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1925      | Abner, Jas. (soft drinks)          | 1647 Cemetery          | Jacksonville, FL   | Jas. Abner                     | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1924-25   | Abood, Namy (soft drinks)          | 206 West Adams         | Jacksonville, FL   | Namy Abood                     | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1928-30   | Abras, Moses (soft drinks)         | 1601 Kings Road        | Jacksonville, FL   | Moses Abras                    | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    | 1301 Kings Road        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1935      | Ace High Bar                       | 335 West State         | Jacksonville, FL   | N/A                            | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks-Retail" in the City Directory.               |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Soda fountain or general retailer.                                     |                               |
 |1948      | Acosta & Co.                       | 410 East Bay           | Jacksonville, FL   | Louis T. Acosta                | N/A                  | See listing for L.T. Acosta Company under "L".                         |                               |
 |1935      | Acre, Holly (soft drinks)          | 233 West Adams         | Jacksonville, FL   | Holly T. Acre                  | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1935      | Adams, Jos. W. (soft drinks)       | 829 East 1st.          | Jacksonville, FL   | Jos. W. Adams                  | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1926      | Adams, Quincy (soft drinks)        | 617 West Ashley        | Jacksonville, FL   | Quincy Adams                   | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1911      | Aerated Water Co.                  | 1235 Walnut            | Jacksonville, FL   | W.S. Brown, Mgr.               | Tel. 3778            | Listed under "Mineral Waters" in the City Directory.  Shown as         |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | manufacturers of "Pure Distilled Drinking Water."  No listings for     |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | this company in 1910, and company was not at 1235 Walnut.              |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | No listings for the company during 1913, and no listings found         |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | for W. S Brown in Jacksonville.                                        |                               |
 |    A F S Water Service Inc (1949 - 1956?)                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
 |1949-51   | AFS Water Service Inc.             | 2555 W. Beaver St.     | Jacksonville, FL   | Atlee Foster Stevens, Pres.;   | N/A                  | Listed in the City Directory under "Water Supply Companies".           |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    | Blanche Stevens, Sec.-Treas.   |                      | It is unclear if this is a bottler of water, or commerical water       |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | supply company.  During 1947-48, A.F. Stevens is shown as "Well        |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Driller" for the Stevens-Southern Company.                             |                               |
 |1953      | AFS Water Service Inc.             | 2555 W. Beaver St.     | Jacksonville, FL   | Atlee Foster Stevens, Pres.;   | N/A                  | Listed in the City Directory under "Water Supply Companies".           |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    | Blanche M. Stevens, V.P./      |                      |                                                                        |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    | Treas.;  A Loyd Layton, Sec.   |                      |                                                                        |                               |
 |1954-55   | AFS Water Service Inc.             | 2555 W. Beaver St.     | Jacksonville, FL   | Atlee Foster Stevens, Pres.;   | N/A                  | Listed in the City Directory under "Water Supply Companies".           |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    | Blanche M. Stevens, V.P.;      |                      |                                                                        |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    | Mrs. Jewel T. Futch, Sec.;     |                      |                                                                        |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    | James A. Mixon, Treas.         |                      |                                                                        |                               |
 |1956      | AFS Water Service Inc.             | 2555 W. Beaver St.     | Jacksonville, FL   | Atlee Foster Stevens, Pres.;   | N/A                  | Listed in the City Directory under "Water Supply Companies".           |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    | Blanche M. Stevens, V.P.;      |                      | This company was not researched beyond 1956, and most likely           |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    | Jewel F. Abrams, Sec.;         |                      | was still operating into 1957 and beyond.                              |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    | James A. Mixon, Treas.         |                      |                                                                        |                               |
 |1918      | Aaron Abisch (soft drinks)         | 400 Riverside Ave.     | Jacksonville, FL   | Aaron Abisch                   | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1942-44   | Akin, Chas. (soft drinks)          | 2058 Lewis             | Jacksonville, FL   | Charles Akin                   | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks-retail" in the City Directory.               |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Soda fountain or general retailer.                                     |                               |
 |1916      | Albury, F.L. (soft drinks)         | 319 So. Myrtle Ave.    | Jacksonville, FL   | F.L. Albury                    | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1925      | Albury, Saml (soft drinks)         | 1106 Kings Rd.         | Jacksonville, FL   | Saml Albury                    | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1906      | Alford & Rennolds                  | 120 W. Forsyth         | Jacksonville, FL   | Edwin H. Rennolds Jr.          | N/A                  | Listed in the 1906 City Directory under "Soda Water."  No listings     |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    | W.P Alford                     |                      | found in the prior 1905 directory or in the following 1907 and         |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | 1908 directories.                                                      |                               |
 |1919      | Allen, Thomas (soft drinks)        | 1447 Davis             | Jacksonville, FL   | Thomas Allen                   | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1923      | Allen, T.J. (soft drinks)          | 768 Church             | Jacksonville, FL   | T.J. Allen                     | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1919      | Allen, B.F. (soft drinks)          | 527 W. Bay             | Jacksonville, FL   | B.F. Allen                     | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1948      | Allen, Charles                     | N/A                    | Jacksonville, FL   | N/A                            | N/A                  | See Charles R. Allen listed under "C".                                 |                               |
 |1920      | Almond, Mrs. M.J. (soft drinks)    | 125 East Bay St.       | Jacksonville, FL   | Mrs. M.J. Almond               | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |    Altree Son & Nephew  ( 1897 - 1909 ) :                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
 |1897      | Altree Son & Nephew                | 348 E. Bay             | Jacksonville, FL   | George Altree,                 | N/A                  | Listed under "Bottling Works" as "Bottlers and Bakers" in City Dir.    |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    | Resident Partner               |                      | The 348 E. Bay address is shown as the residence and business          |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | address and was shared with the Troy Laundry.                          |                               |
 |1898      | Altree, George                     | 348 E. Bay             | Jacksonville, FL   | George Altree                  | N/A                  | Shown only as "Baker" in 1898 City Directory.                          |                               |
 |1899      | Altree, George                     | 348 E. Bay             | Jacksonville, FL   | George Altree                  | N/A                  | Shown as prop. of U.S. Bakery in 1899 City Directory.                  |                               |
 |1900      | Altree, George                     | 348 E. Bay             | Jacksonville, FL   | George Altree                  | N/A                  | Shown only as "Baker" in 1900 City Directory.  Address is listed       |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | as both residence and business.                                        |                               |
 |1901      | Altree, George                     | 348 E. Bay             | Jacksonville, FL   | George Altree                  | N/A                  | Shown only as "Baker" in 1901 City Directory.  Address is shown        |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | being shared with Jefferson McKeever.                                  |                               |
 |1905      | Altree Son & Nephew                | 801 W. Adams           | Jacksonville, FL   | George Altree                  | N/A                  | No entries between found for 1902-1904.  Listed under "Bottlers"       |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | in the 1905 City Directory.  During 1906, this address                 |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | is shown as "The Free Kindergarten", so Altree Son & Nephew            |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | moved or went defunct.  Altree shows up in 1909 under Malto Brewing.   |                               |
 |1909      | Altree                             | N/A                    | Jacksonville, FL   | N/A                            | N/A                  | See listing for Malto Brewing Co.                                      |                               |
 |1920      | Ambrosia                           | 744 West Bay Street    | Jacksonville, FL   | Chas. Blum Beverage Co.        | 188                  | Found in Florida Times-Union advertisement dated July 2, 1920 for      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Fehr's Ambrosia "A Beverage."   Distributed by Chas. Blum Bev. Co.     |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Since this is listed as a beverage, it is assumed that it is           |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | non-alcoholic.                                                         |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | This appears to be a grain/cereal based non-alcoholic beverage         |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | inspired by the Prohibition Amendment XVIII.                           |                               |
 |1905      | American Club Ginger Ale           | N/A                    | Jacksonville, FL   | Consolidated Grocery Co.       | N/A                  | Shown in various Florida Times-Union advertisements dated              |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | July 1905 with Consolidated Grocery Co. shown as distributors.         |                               |
 |1925      | Amiker, John (soft drinks)         | 211 Jefferson Lane     | Jacksonville, FL   | John Amiker                    | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1929-33   | Ancrum, Lizzie (soft drinks)       | 1929-30: 1653 Davis    | Jacksonville, FL   | Lizzie Ancrum                  | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    | 1932-33: 1701 1/2      |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |          |                                    |          Davis         |                    |                                |                      |                                                                        |                               |
 |1923      | Anderson, Augustus (soft drinks)   | 1305 Julia             | Jacksonville, FL   | Augustus Anderson              | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1937      | Anderson, Mrs. Clara (soft drinks) | 11 E. Forsyth Rm 301   | Jacksonville, FL   | Mrs. Clara Anderson            | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    | 1301 Kings Road        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1922      | Anderson, W.A. (soft drinks)       | 721 Davis              | Jacksonville, FL   | W.A. Anderson                  | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1920      | Anderson, J.T. (soft drinks)       | 635 West Ashley        | Jacksonville, FL   | J.T. Anderson                  | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1917      | Angel, Frank (soft drinks)         | 629 West Ashley        | Jacksonville, FL   | Frank Angel                    | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1922      | Angerholzer, Fred (soft drinks)    | 128 East Bay           | Jacksonville, FL   | Fred Angerholzer               | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1922-23   | Anheuser-Busch Ginger Ale          | 620 W. Bay Street      | Jacksonville, FL   | Atlantic Distributing Co.      | N/A                  | Listed in Jacksonville Metropolis ad dated May, 1922 and               |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Florida Times-Union ad dated July 25, 1923 indicating                  |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Atlantic Distributing Co. as wholesale distributors.  This appears     |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | to be a prohibition inspired beverage.                                 |                               |
 |    Antonio Solary  ( 1875 - 1887 ) :                                                                                                                                                                                                                         |
 |1875-76   | Antonio Solary                     | 22 W. Bay              | Jacksonville, FL   | Antonio Solary                 | N/A                  | Listed in the 1875-76 W.S. Webb & Co. City Dir. under "Soda Mfg."      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | No information or listings have been found prior to 1875.              |                               |
 |1876-77   | Antonio Solary Sarsaparilla        | Corner of Bay and      | Jacksonville, FL   | Antonio Solary                 | N/A                  | Found in a Webb's Jacksonville Directory advertisement for             |                               |
 |          | and Ginger Ale                     | Pine Streets           |                    |                                |                      | "Soda Water, Sarsaparilla, Ginger Ale" and various mineral waters.     |                               |
 |1878-79   | Antonio Solary                     | 24 W. Bay              | Jacksonville, FL   | Antonio Solary                 | N/A                  | Found in a Webb's Jacksonville Directory under "Soda Water Mfg."       |                               |
 |1882      | Antonio Solary                     | N/A                    | Jacksonville, FL   | Antonio Solary                 | N/A                  | Listed in the City Dir. as "Grocer, Wholesale/Retail, and Saloon."     |                               |
 |1885-87   | Antonio Solary                     | 22 W. Bay              | Jacksonville, FL   | Antonio Solary                 | N/A                  | Listed in the 1885, 1886-87 W.S. Webb & Co. City Dir. under "Soda      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Mfg."  This is the last year with info tied to the bottling industry.  |                               |
 |1892      | Antonio Solary                     | 31 E. Forsyth          | Jacksonville, FL   | Antonia Solary                 | N/A                  | Listed in the City Dir. (as "Antonia"), occupation unknown.            |                               |
 |1898-99   | Anthony Solary                     | 12 E. Adams            | Jacksonville, FL   | Anthony Solary                 | N/A                  | Listed in the City Dir. (as "Anthony"), shown as bicycle repair.       |                               |
 |1900-01   | Antonio & Antonio Jr. Solary       | 12 E. Adams            | Jacksonville, FL   | Antonio Solary                 | N/A                  | Listed in the City Dir. shown as bicycle repair.                       |                               |
 |1902-09   | Gould & Solary                     | Foot of Ocean St.      | Jacksonville, FL   | Charles F. Gould and           | N/A                  | Listed in the City Directory as "Fish Dealers."  From 1903-1909,       |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    | Antonio Solary                 |                      | Antonio Solary was a real estate dealer, and a cashier for Gardner     |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Company.  It appears he never re-entered the bottling business.        |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | No research was conducted beyond 1909.                                 |                               |
 |1912      | Apoilinaris (spring water)         | N/A                    | Jacksonville, FL   | The Bettes Pharmacy            | N/A                  | Found in newspaper advertisements with Bettes Pharmacy, distributor.   |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Listed under "Mineral Waters Department."                              |                               |
 |1926      | Aquazone Oxygen Water              | N/A                    | Jacksonville, FL   | N/A                            | N/A                  | Listed in a Florida Times-Union advertisement dated July 1, 1926.      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | "Aquazone Bubbling Oxygen Water" mineral water.  The Aquazone          |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Corporation Florida and New York.                                      |                               |
 |1920      | Aranguras, Benito                  | 714 West Ashley        | Jacksonville, FL   | Benito Aranguras               | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1898      | Arcadian Lithia                    | N/A                    | Jacksonville, FL   | Leake & M'Neil                 | N/A                  | Listed in Times-Union and Citizen advertisement dated July 18, 1898.   |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Product of the Waukesha Arcadian Company through Leake & M'Neil,       |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | agents for Jacksonville, Corner Bay and Hogan Streets.                 |                               |
 |1915-16   | Armour's Grape Juice               | 310 W. Bay St.         | Jacksonville, FL   | B.H. Trussell, Mgr.            | 5460                 | This product is found in various advertisements dated 1915-1916.       |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | It appears that the product was bottled in a crown top,                |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | returnable bottle.   In associated ads, Armour lists other             |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | products such as Eggs, Bacon, Ham, Butter, Lard, etc.                  |                               |
 |1920      | Armstrong, Benjamin                | 1202 Florida Ave.      | Jacksonville, FL   | Benjamin Armstrong             | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1922-24   | Armstrong, Bristow (soft drinks)   | 1202 Florida Ave.      | Jacksonville, FL   | Bristow Armstrong              | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1925      | Arrow Special                      | 630 Washington St.     | Jacksonville,  FL  | Dixe Bottling Works            | N/A                  | Found in a Times Union ad dated July 15, 1925.   Arrow Special,        |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Distributor: Dixie Bottling Works, Jacksonville.                       |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | This appears to be a grain/cereal based non-alcoholic beverage         |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | inspired by the Prohibition Amendment XVIII.                           |                               |
 |1927      | Atkins, David (soft drinks)        | 705 Hendricks Ave.     | Jacksonville, FL   | David Atkins                   | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1922      | Atkins, Paul (soft drinks)         | 16 Lee                 | Jacksonville, FL   | Paul Atkins                    | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1925      | Atkinson, Paul (soft drinks)       | 1019 West Adams        | Jacksonville, FL   | Paul Atkinson                  | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |    Atlantic Distributing Co. ( 1919 - 1928 ) :                                                                                                                                                                                                               |
 |1919-20   | Atlantic Distributing Co.          | 610-620 W. Bay         | Jacksonville, FL   | Joseph Zapf,                   | Tel. 345             | Listed in the City Directory under "Soft Drinks-Wholesale."            |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    | Secr.-Treas. & Mgr.            |                      | "Distributors of Bevo."                                                |                               |
 |1921-22   | Atlantic Distributing Co.          | 620 W. Bay             | Jacksonville, FL   | Joseph Zapf, Manager           | Tel. 345             | Listed in the City Directory under "Soft Drinks - Wholesale."          |                               |
 |1923      | Atlantic Distributing Co.          | 626 W. Bay             | Jacksonville, FL   | N/A                            | N/A                  | Listed in the 1923 ed. of the Southern Bell Tel. & Telegraph           |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | phone book under "Bottling Companies."   It is unclear what            |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | type of bottler this is.                                               |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Listed in the City Directory under "Soft Drinks-Wholesale."            |                               |
 |1924-25   | Atlantic Distributing Co.          | 620 W. Bay             | Jacksonville, FL   | Joseph Zapf, Manager           | N/A                  | Listed in the City Dir. as "Soft Drinks - Wholesale."                  |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Shown as distributors of A-B Pale Dry Ginger Ale (a product            |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | of Anheuser-Busch St. Louis)                                           |                               |
 |1926      | Atlantic Distributing Co.          | 620 W. Bay             | Jacksonville, FL   | Harry W. Smith, Mgr.           | Ph. 5-0345           | Listed in the City Dir. as "Wholesale Softdrinks."   Harry Smith       |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | takes over as manager, and Joseph Zapf goes on to become V.P. of       |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | G.W. Hessler, Inc. (a contracting company).                            |                               |
 |1927-28   | Atlantic Distributing Co.          | 620 W. Bay             | Jacksonville, FL   | Harry W. Smith, Mgr.           | Ph. 5-0345           | Listed in the City Dir. as "Distributors Busch/Budweiser/              |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Anheuser-Busch Pale Dry Ginger Ale and Malt Syrups."                   |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Also listed in the City Directory under "Soft Drinks - Wholesale."     |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | No further listings found for this company or for Harry W. Smith;      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | and the address of 620 W. Bay shows "vacant" during 1929.              |                               |
 |1927      | B & O Bar                          | 39 East Bay            | Jacksonville, FL   | N/A                            | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1941 &    | B-1                                | N/A                    | Jacksonville, FL   | N/A                            | N/A                  | See Florida Dr. Pepper Bott. Co. listings for 1941 and 1950.           |                               |
 |1950      |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      |                                                                        |                               |
 |Unknown   | B & W Sodas                        | 1288 W. Bay            | Jacksonville, FL   | Edward D. Pauley               | N/A                  | Listed as "confectioners" in the City Directory.                       |                               |
 |1933-34   | Babbs, Bernice (soft drinks)       | 1501 West Beaver       | Jacksonville, FL   | Bernice Babbs                  | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks-Retail" in the City Directory.               |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Soda Fountain or general retailer.                                     |                               |
 |1931-33   | Babbs, Linsey (soft drinks)        | 1501 West Beaver       | Jacksonville, FL   | Linsey Babbs                   | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks-Retail" in the City Directory.               |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Soda Fountain or general retailer.                                     |                               |
 |1928      | Bacon, Samuel (soft drinks)        | 1519 Bridier           | Jacksonville, FL   | Samuel Bacon                   | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1906      | Badger Brand Ginger Ale            | N/A                    | Jacksonville, FL   | Charles Blum & Co.             | N/A                  | Found in a Jacksonville Metropolis ad. dated May 3, 1906 with          |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Charles Blum & Co. Wholesale Distributors.                             |                               |
 |1928      | Bailey, Milsey F. (soft drinks)    | Main St. Corner of     | Jacksonville, FL   | Milsey F. Bailey               | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    | Trout River Drive      |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1929      | Bailey, Robert (soft drinks)       | 741 West Ashley        | Jacksonville, FL   | Robert Bailey                  | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1920      | Bailey, Sarah (soft drinks)        | 2000 Dennis            | Jacksonville, FL   | Sarah Bailey                   | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1935      | Baker, Pansy (soft drinks)         | 1316 Tyler             | Jacksonville, FL   | Pansy Baker                    | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1919 &    | Baker, Larkin (soft drinks)        | 824 Johnson            | Jacksonville, FL   | Larkin Baker                   | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |1927-28   |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1922      | Baker, S.G. (soft drinks)          | 526 Broad St.          | Jacksonville, FL   | S.G. Baker                     | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1917 &    | Baldwin, J.B.                      | 1917: 39 East Bay      | Jacksonville, FL   | J.B. Baldwin                   | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |1922-24   |                                    | 1922-24: 124 West      |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |          |                                    |          Forsyth       |                    |                                |                      |                                                                        |                               |
 |1924      | Banks, Ella (soft drinks)          | 1419 Davis             | Jacksonville, FL   | Ella Banks                     | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1920      | Banks, Solomon (soft drinks)       | 1447 Davis             | Jacksonville, FL   | Solomon Banks                  | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1937      | Bansbach, Bernice (soft drinks)    | Water Works Pk.        | Jacksonville, FL   | Mrs. Bernice Bansbach          | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1920      | Bardin, G.W. (soft drinks)         | 805 Lackawanna Ave.    | Jacksonville, FL   | G.W. Bardin                    | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1917      | Barma                              | N/A                    | Jacksonville, FL   | Florida Provision Co.          | N/A                  | Found in a Florida Metropolis ads dated from April to July, 1917.      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Cereal soft drink beverage.  Product of Blatz, Milwaukee;              |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | distributed by Florida Provision Co. Jacksonville, Fla.                |                               |
 |1989-00   | Barq's                             | N/A                    | Jacksonville, FL   | N/A                            | N/A                  | See 1989 and 2000 listings for Pepsi-Cola Bottlers.                    |                               |
 |1921      | Barry, C.A. (soft drinks)          | 900 West Adams         | Jacksonville, FL   | C.A. Barry                     | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1946-48   | Bartell, Roosevelt (soft drinks)   | 1525 West 28th         | Jacksonville, FL   | Roosevelt Bartell              | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks-retail" in the City Directory.               |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Soda fountain or general retailer.                                     |                               |
 |1943      | Bass, Frieda (soft drinks)         | 216 West Forsyth       | Jacksonville, FL   | Mrs. Frieda J. Bass            | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks-retail" in the City Directory.               |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Soda fountain or general retailer.                                     |                               |
 |1948      | Batey-Common Co.                   | 1252 W. Beaver St.     | Jacksonville, FL   | N/A                            | N/A                  | Found in the 1948 Wholesale Buyers Guide to Jacksonville under         |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | the heading of "Beverages."   It appears that this company was         |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | strictly a distributor/broker, and did no bottling on their own.       |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | For complete details, see listing for Common & Co.                     |                               |
 |1931-32   | Beauchamp, Harry (soft drinks)     | 2338 Talleyrand Ave.   | Jacksonville, FL   | Harry Beauchamp                | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks-Retail" in the City Directory.               |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Soda Fountain or general retailer.                                     |                               |
 |1920      | Beaufont Ginger Ale                | N/A                    | Jacksonville, FL   | F. W. King & Co.               | N/A                  | Found in a Florida Times-Union advertisement dated July 6, 1920.       |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | This ginger ale is from Virginia and F.W. King & Co. is listed         |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | as the wholesale distributor for Jacksonville.                         |                               |
 |1924      | Beckett, George (soft drinks)      | 768 West Church St.    | Jacksonville, FL   | George Beckett                 | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1933-34   | Beckner, Mrs. Rennie (soft drinks) | 2141 West Beaver       | Jacksonville, FL   | Mrs. Rennie Beckner            | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks-Retail" in the City Directory.               |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Soda Fountain or general retailer.                                     |                               |
 |1935      | Beckner, Wallace (soft drinks)     | 2141 West Beaver       | Jacksonville, FL   | Wallace Beckner                | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1928      | Beers, Orin F. (soft drinks)       | 1003(257) E. Atlantic  | Jacksonville, FL   | Orin F. Beers                  | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |     Blvd               |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1921      | Begras, George (soft drinks)       | nw Corner Kings Ave.   | Jacksonville, FL   | George Gegras                  | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    | and Myrtle Ave.        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1898      | Belfast Ginger Ale                 | N/A                    | Jacksonville, FL   | R.W. Simms, Distributor        | N/A                  | Listed as Cantrell & Cochrane's Belfast Ginger Ale for sale by R.W.    |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Simms, Jacksonville, Florida in a Florida Times-Union ad dated         |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | August 2, 1898.                                                        |                               |
 |1921-24   | Bell, John (soft drinks)           | 1921-23: 916 Johnson   | Jacksonville, FL   | John Bell                      | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    | 1923-24: 1106 Kings    |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |          |                                    |          Road          |                    |                                |                      |                                                                        |                               |
 |1921      | Bell, Lillie (soft drinks)         | 708 Broad              | Jacksonville, FL   | Lillie Bell                    | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1946-49   | Bell, Norman (soft drinks)         | 3003 Moncrief Road     | Jacksonville, FL   | Norman Bell                    | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks-retail" in the City Directory.               |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Soda fountain or general retailer.                                     |                               |
 |1928      | Bellamy, Sim (soft drinks)         | 526 1/2 Bismarck       | Jacksonville, FL   | Sim Bellamy                    | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1918      | Bellwood, Charles (soft drinks)    | Ortega Blvd.           | Jacksonville, FL   | Charles Bellwood               | N/A                  | Listed in the City Directory under "soft drinks."                      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | This is likely a retailer.                                             |                               |
 |1925-28   | Belton, Jos. S. (soft drinks)      | 1508 Davis             | Jacksonville, FL   | J.B. Belton                    | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1939-40   | Beneby, Osborne (soft drinks)      | 135 (1201) Acorn       | Jacksonville, FL   | Osborne H. Beneby              | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks-retail" in the City Directory.               |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Soda fountain or general retailer.                                     |                               |
 |1919      | Benjamin Company                   | 24 East Bay St.        | Jacksonville, FL   | N/A                            | 866                  | Listed as the distributors of We-No.                                   |                               |
 |1929      | Bennett, Mrs. Grace (soft drinks)  | 1003 East Atlantic     | Jacksonville, FL   | Mrs. Grace C. Bennett          | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |    Blvd.               |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1927      | Bennett, John F. (soft drinks)     | 812 Florida Ave.       | Jacksonville, FL   | John F. Bennett                | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1922      | Bennett, R.R. (soft drinks)        | 409 Forest             | Jacksonville, FL   | R.R. Bennett                   | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1927      | Berloe, Simon (soft drinks)        | 135 East Forsyth       | Jacksonville, FL   | Simon Berloe                   | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1942-44   | Berrier, John (soft drinks)        | 4034 St. Johns Ave.    | Jacksonville, FL   | John Berrier                   | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks-retail" in the City Directory.               |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Soda fountain or general retailer.                                     |                               |
 |1912      | Bethesda (spring water)            | N/A                    | Jacksonville, FL   | The Bettes Pharmacy            | N/A                  | Found in newspaper advertisements with Bettes Pharmacy, distributor.   |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Listed under "Mineral Waters Department."                              |                               |
 |1922-24   | Betros, George (soft drinks)       | 1602 Kings Road        | Jacksonville, FL   | George Betros                  | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    | Kings Rd. nw corner    |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |          |                                    | of Myrtle              |                    |                                |                      |                                                                        |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      |                                                                        |                               |
 |1924      | Betteryet Cigar & Soda Co.         | 18 Laura               | Jacksonville, FL   | N/A                            | N/A                  | Listed under "Soda Fountains" in the City Directory.                   |                               |
 |1904-20   | Bettes, C. C. Company /            | 1904-1908:             | Jacksonville, FL   | N/A                            | N/A                  | Listed in the City Directory under "Mineral Waters."                   |                               |
 |          | The Bettes Pharmacy                |   53 and 55 West Bay   |                    |                                |                      | Shown as the Jacksonville distributor for the following mineral        |                               |
 |          |                                    | 1909-1910:             |                    |                                |                      | and spring waters: Apoilinaris, Bethesda, Bowden, Broad Rock,          |                               |
 |          |                                    |   Bay N.E. corner      |                    |                                |                      | Blue Lick Springs Water, Buckhead Lithia, Glenn Springs Mineral        |                               |
 |          |                                    |   Laura                |                    |                                |                      | Water, Great Bear, Harris, Londonderry, Manacea, Nuvida, Poland,       |                               |
 |          |                                    | 1911:                  |                    |                                |                      | Quisisanna, Stafford Springs Water, Tate Spring Water,                 |                               |
 |          |                                    |   Bay N.E. corner      |                    |                                |                      | Veronica Springs Water, White Rock, Whittle, and                       |                               |
 |          |                                    |   Laura and            |                    |                                |                      | West Raden Springs Water.  It is believed that C.C. Bettes             |                               |
 |          |                                    |   18 South Laura       |                    |                                |                      | and The Bettes Pharmacy are the same company.                          |                               |
 |          |                                    | 1913-1920:             |                    |                                |                      |                                                                        |                               |
 |          |                                    |   Bay N.E. corner      |                    |                                |                      |                                                                        |                               |
 |          |                                    |   Laura and            |                    |                                |                      |                                                                        |                               |
 |          |                                    |   Laura and Duval St.  |                    |                                |                      |                                                                        |                               |
 |1919-23   | Bevo                               | N/A                    | Jacksonville, FL   | Atlantic Distributing Co.      | N/A                  | Listed in a Florida Times-Union ad dated July 25, 1923                 |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | indicating Atlantic Distributing Co. as wholesale distributors.        |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | A product of Anheuser-Busch.  This product is listed with              |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Anheuser-Busch Ginger Ale and Grape Bouquet, so it is assumed          |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | that it is a non-alcoholic drink.  Also listed in the 1919-1920        |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | City Dir. showing Atlantic Distributing Co. as "Dist. of Bevo".        |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | This appears to be a grain/cereal based non-alcoholic beverage         |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | inspired by the Prohibition Amendment XVIII.                           |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | In the Report to the Secretary of State-Florida, Rudolph A. Huber      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | filed for the trademark "Bevo" on 08-08-1925.                          |                               |
 |1926      | Beyes, August J. (soft drinks)     | 1926: Tallyrand and    | Jacksonville, FL   | August J. Beyes                | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |       Cummer Ave.      |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |          |                                    | 1927: Wigmore and      |                    |                                |                      |                                                                        |                               |
 |          |                                    |       Phoenix Pk       |                    |                                |                      |                                                                        |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      |                                                                        |                               |
 |1928      | Bibbons, Mrs. Maude (soft drinks)  | 2121 1/2 Main St.      | Jacksonville, FL   | Mrs. Maude B. Bibbons          | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |    Big Boy Bottling Co. ( 1929 - 1936 ) :                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
 |1929      | Big Boy Bott. Co.                  | N/A                    | Jacksonville, FL   | N/A                            | N/A                  | Reference is made to Big Boy in a Jacksonville Journal                 |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | article dated 9/18/29 entitled "Jax Furnaces Turn Out 50,000 Daily."   |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | However, the 1346 Kings road address is shown as vacant in 1929.       |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Wm. E. Parsons is shown under "soft drinks" at 1160 Golfair Blvd.      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | It is unknown if this is the same Parsons that managed the             |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Big Boy Bottling Company starting in 1930.                             |                               |
 |1930-32   | Big Boy Bott. Co.                  | 1346 Kings Rd /        | Jacksonville, FL   | Willard E. Parsons             | N/A                  | Listed under "Bottlers-Carbonated Beverages"  in City Dir. with        |                               |
 |          |                                    | 1704 Kingsford Ave.    |                    |                                |                      | Kings Rd. address.  Also listed in the United Beverage Bureau          |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Book 1930 edition with an address of 1704 Kingsford Ave. (research     |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | indicates there was never a Kingsford Ave. in Jacksonville.)           |                               |
 |1932-36   | Big Boy Bott. Co.                  | 1704 Kings Rd          | Jacksonville, FL   | Willard E. Parsons             | N/A                  | Listed, in the City Dir. from 1932-35.   Also listed in the 1935-36    |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Florida Industrial Directory.  However, by 1936, the City Dir. shows   |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | the 1704 address as the Rock & Rye Bottling Co.                        |                               |
 |1951-62   | Big Five Beverages                 | 417 E. 2nd             | Jacksonville, FL   | Witsell A. Padgett             | ELGIN 4-5387         | Listed under Padgett Beverages Ad in City Dir.  See Padgett Bev.       |                               |
 |2001      | Big Red                            | N/A                    | Jacksonville, FL   | N/A                            | N/A                  | See 2001 listing for Southeast-Atlantic Beverage (Seabev).             |                               |
 |1929??    | Big Sixty                          | N/A                    | Jacksonville, FL   | N/A                            | N/A                  | Bottle exists;  entry found on the Nostalgiaville, Museum of           | Yes, see information at left. |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Beverage Containers & Advertising webpage (See Biblography for URL     |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | address).   Also, reference is made to Big 60 in a Jacksonville        |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Journal article dated 9/18/29 entitled "Jax Furnaces Turn Out          |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | 50,000 Daily."                                                         |                               |
 |1928      | Big-Time Corp.                     | 531 E. Bay             | Jacksonville, FL   | John L. Stadler, Pres.         | N/A                  | Listed under "Bottlers-Carbonated Beverages"  in City Dir.             |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | There is no listing for 1927, and the 1929 listing shows this          |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | address as vacant.                                                     |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | The Logan-Boardman Co., Wholesale Softdrinks is also listed at         |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | this same address during 1928.                                         |                               |
 |1904-07   | Bilz                               | N/A                    | Jacksonville, FL   | N/A                            | N/A                  | Found in a Jacksonville Coca-Cola Bottling Co. advertisement           |                               |
 |(?)       |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | circa 1904-07.                                                         |                               |
 |1920-21   | Bingham, J.W. (soft drinks)        | 124 West Forsyth       | Jacksonville, FL   | J.W. Bingham                   | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1903      | Bis-Mac                            | 750 West Bay Street    | Jacksonville, FL   | F.T. King & Co.                | Ph. 1514             | Found in Times-Union advertisement dated 8-29-03.  "For that           |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Thirst Bis-Mac The Drink Supreme."  F.W. King & Co. Distributors.      |                               |
 |1923      | Black, M.B. (soft drinks)          | 63 South Ocean         | Jacksonville, FL   | M.B. Black                     | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1954      | Black Cherry Beverages             | N/A                    | Jacksonville,  FL  | N/A                            | N/A                  | A product of Padgett Beveages.  See Padgett Beverages for              | 1954: Black Cherry Beverages, |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | further information.                                                   |   7 oz., Red, Clear Glass,    |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      |                                                                        |   Padgett Beverages,          |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      |                                                                        |   Jacksonville, Fla.          |
 |1932-33   | Blalock Roland (soft drinks)       | 676 So. Hendricks Ave  | Jacksonville, FL   | Roland I. Blalock              | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks-Retail" in the City Directory.               |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Soda Fountain or general retailer.                                     |                               |
 |1941-48   | Blank, Lennis (soft drinks)        | 601 Florida Ave.       | Jacksonville, FL   | Lennis (Lennie) C. Blank       | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks-retail" in the City Directory.               |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Soda fountain or general retailer.                                     |                               |
 |1919      | Blatz                              | 10 So. Hogan St.       | Jacksonville, FL   | A.F. Dechman & Company         | N/A                  | This is listed as a cereal beverage (and not beer.)                    |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Found in an advertisement in the Florida Times-Union dated 8-31-19.    |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Distributed by A.F. Dechman & Company Jacksonville, Fla.               |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | This appears to be a grain/cereal based non-alcoholic beverage         |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | inspired by the Prohibition Amendment XVIII.                           |                               |
 |    Bludwine / Bloodwine  ( 1913 - 1920 ) :                                                                                                                                                                                                                   |
 |1913      | Bludwine Bottling Company          | 709-11-13 East         | Jacksonville, FL   | N/A                            | Ph. 3969             | Information found in a Jacksonville Metropolis advertisements          |                               |
 |          |                                    | Bay St.                |                    |                                |                      | dated May 2, and May 31, 1913.                                         |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | A search of 1911-1912 revealed no listings for Bludwine, Bloodwine,    |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Consolidated Bludwine, Florida Bludwine, C.P. or P.W. Hutcheson.       |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | The 1911 City Directory indicates Kaufman Metal Co. occupied           |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | the 712 E. Bay address.                                                |                               |
 |1914      | Consolidated Bloodwine             | 711 W. Bay             | Jacksonville, FL   | C. P. Hutcheson, Gen. Mgr.     | N/A                  | Listed under "Bottling Works" in the City Dir.                         |                               |
 |          | Bottlers Co.                       |                        |                    |                                |                      |                                                                        |                               |
 |1914-20   | Consolidated Bludwine Bottling     | during this period,    | Jacksonville, FL   | 1914-19: C. P. Hutcheson,      | N/A                  | Listed under "Bottling Works" and/or "Bottlers-Carbonated Beverages"   |                               |
 |          | Co . / Consolidated Bludwine       | the addresses are      |                    |          Gen. Mgr.             |                      | in the City Dir.   (2 listings with different company names            |                               |
 |          | Bottlers Co.                       | listed as:             |                    | 1920:    Peter W. Hutcheson,   |                      | and addresses in 1914 "Bloodwine" and "Bludwine" with West Bay         |                               |
 |          |                                    | 711 E. Bay,            |                    |          Mgr.                  |                      | and East Bay addresses respectively).                                  |                               |
 |          |                                    | 713 E. Bay,            |                    |                                |                      | A search of 1921 revealed no listings for Bludwine, Bloodwine,         |                               |
 |          |                                    | 711-13 E. Bay,         |                    |                                |                      | Consolidated Bludwine, Florida Bludwine, C.P. or P.W. Hutcheson.       |                               |
 |          |                                    | 701 E. Bay             |                    |                                |                      | The 1921 City Directory indicates that the address of 711-713 E.       |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Bay was vacant.                                                        |                               |
 |1915-20   | Florida Bludwine Bott. Co.         | during this period,    | Jacksonville, FL   | 1915-16: F.N. Stormont, Mgr.;  | 1917-20: 3969        | Listed under "Bottling Works" (1915-16);  Listed under                 |                               |
 |          |                                    | the addresses are      |                    | 1917-20: P.W. Hutcheson, Mgr.  |                      | "Bottlers-Carbonated Beverages" (1917-20).  From 1915-1920 this        |                               |
 |          |                                    | listed as:             |                    |                                |                      | second company name listing appears under "Florida Bludwine            |                               |
 |          |                                    | 711 E. Bay, &          |                    |                                |                      | Bottling Co." , and during 1915-16, this company seems to              |                               |
 |          |                                    | 711-13  E. Bay         |                    |                                |                      | have a different manager even though both companies are listed         |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | at the same address.  No information found after 1920 (see above).     |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | In the Report to the Secretary of State-Flordia, the Bludwine          |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Bottling Co. filed to issue capital stock on 12-09-14, and it was      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | recorded on 01-30-1915.                                                |                               |
 |1926      | Blue Bird                          | 634 Palm Street        | Jacksonville, FL   | Jacksonville Chero-Cola        | 5-7261               | Found in a Florida Times-Union advertisement dated July 10, 1926.      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    | Bottling Co.                   |                      | Blue Bird More Delicious than Grape Juice.  A Product of               |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Jacksonville Chero Cola Bottling Co.                                   |                               |
 |1904-12   | Blue Lick Springs Water            | 18 So. Laura St.       | Jacksonville, FL   | C.C. Bettes Co., agents        | 2156 (C.C. Bettes)   | Found in newspaper advertisements with C.C. Bettes Company and         |                               |
 |          |                                    | (C.C. Bettes)          |                    |                                |                      | The Bettes Pharmacy, distributor.   Listed under "Mineral Waters       |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Department."  "Blue Lick Queen of Health Waters."  Blue Lick           |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Springs Co., Blue Lick, Ky.                                            |                               |
 |1922-23   | Blue Ribbon Lunch (soft drinks)    | 201 East Bay           | Jacksonville, FL   | N/A                            | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1921-25   | Blum Beverage Co.                  | N/A                    | Jacksonville, FL   | N/A                            | N/A                  | See listing for "Charles Blum  Bev. Co." (listed under "C")            |                               |
 |1925      | Bobolz                             | N/A                    | Jacksonville, FL   | N/A                            | N/A                  | See listing for Herman Bobolz under "H".                               |                               |
 |1947      | Bobs Cola                          | N/A                    | Jacksonville, FL   | N/A                            | N/A                  | See 1947 Listing for Sun Crest Beverages Inc.                          |                               |
 |1933-34   | Bodine, John A. (soft drinks)      | 2362 Dennis            | Jacksonville, FL   | John A. Bodine                 | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks-Retail" in the City Directory.               |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Soda Fountain or general retailer.                                     |                               |
 |1928      | Bohannon, William (soft drinks)    | 804 East 3rd           | Jacksonville, FL   | Williman Bohannon              | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1935      | Bohannon, William (soft drinks)    | 350 East 3rd           | Jacksonville, FL   | Williman M. Bohannon           | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1927      | Bohon, Rane (soft drinks)          | 222 West Bay           | Jacksonville, FL   | Rane S. Bohon Jr.              | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1935      | Bonacker & Goodrich, Inc.          | 410 E. Bay St.         | Jacksonville, FL   | Louis T. Acosta, VP            | N/A                  | See Listing for L.T. Acosta & Co. under "L" for further information.   |                               |
 |1936-39   | Bonacker, Holt & Acosta, Inc.      | 410 E. Bay St.         | Jacksonville, FL   | Louis T. Acosta                | N/A                  | See Listing for L.T. Acosta & Co. under "L" for further information.   |                               |
 |1931-32   | Bonella, Lose (soft drinks)        | 1050 Florida Ave.      | Jacksonville, FL   | Lose Bonella                   | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks-Retail" in the City Directory.               |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Soda Fountain or general retailer.                                     |                               |
 |    J. Daniel Boone & Co. (1907 - 1916):                                                                                                                                                                                                                      |
 |1907      | J.D. Boone & Co.                   | 2001 Main St.          | Jacksonville, FL   | J. Daniel Boone, Pres.         | N/A                  | Listed in the City Directory as Druggists during 1907.  No listings    |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | found for 1905 or 1906.  Later listings during the 1913-1916 era       |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | list J.D. Boone under Mineral Waters and Soda Water.                   |                               |
 |1908      | J. Daniel Boone & Co.              | 2001 Main St.          | Jacksonville, FL   | J. Daniel Boone, Pres.         | N/A                  | Listed as "Druggist."                                                  |                               |
 |1909      | J. Daniel Boone & Co.              | 2001 Main St.          | Jacksonville, FL   | J. Daniel Boone, Pres.         | 2001 Main: 2311      | Listed as "Druggists" with two separate addresses.                     |                               |
 |          |                                    | 1301 Main St.          |                    |                                | 1301 Main: 193       |                                                                        |                               |
 |1910      | J. Daniel Boone & Co.              | 2001 Main St.          | Jacksonville, FL   | J. Daniel Boone, Pres.         | 2001 Main: 2311 and  | Listed as "Druggists" with two separate addresses.                     |                               |
 |          |                                    | 1301 Main St.          |                    |                                |            3861;     |                                                                        |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                | 1301 Main: 193 and   |                                                                        |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |            3853      |                                                                        |                               |
 |1911      | J. Daniel Boone & Co.              | 2001 Main St.          | Jacksonville, FL   | J. Daniel Boone, Pres.         | 2001 Main: 2311 and  | Listed as "Druggists" with three separate addresses.                   |                               |
 |          |                                    | 1301 Main St.          |                    |                                |            3861;     |                                                                        |                               |
 |          |                                    | 3rd & Corner Walnut    |                    |                                | 1301 Main: 193 and   |                                                                        |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |            3853      |                                                                        |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                | 3rd & Walnut: 908    |                                                                        |                               |
 |1913      | J. Daniel Boone & Co.              | 17 W. Forsyth &        | Jacksonville, FL   | J. Daniel Boone, Pres.         | Forsyth Tel: 3853 &  | Listed under "Mineral Waters" in the City Directory.  Also, J.         |                               |
 |          |                                    | 1301 Main St.          |                    |                                |      5476;           | Daniel Boone is listed as a druggist.   It is most likely that this    |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                | Main St. Tel: 193    | is strictly a retail operation and not a bottling works or             |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | manufacturer.                                                          |                               |
 |1914-15   | J. Daniel Boone & Co.              | 17 W. Forsyth          | Jacksonville, FL   | J. Daniel Boone, Pres.         | Tels: 3853 & 5476    | Listed as "Druggists" in the City Directory.                           |                               |
 |1916      | Boone's Drug Store                 | 17 W. Forsyth          | Jacksonville, FL   | F.H. Holcomb, Mgr.             | Bell: 3853 & 5476    | Listed as "Soda Water, Drugs and Cigars."  Most likely strictly a      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                | Auto: M-3853         | retail operation.  No listings for Boones Drug store, or F.H.          |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Holcomb during 1917 or 1918.  Boone's Drug store no longer at          |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | 17 W. Forsyth.                                                         |                               |
 |1916      | Booth, E.J.                        | 526 Main and           | Jacksonville, FL   | E.J. Booth                     | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    | 600 West Adams         |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1915      | Booth & Whitaker                   | 127 Laura              | Jacksonville, FL   | N/A                            | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1950      | Botl-O                             | N/A                    | Jacksonville, FL   | N/A                            | N/A                  | See 1950 Listing for Rice's Bottling Co.                               |                               |
 |1929-30   | Boulevard Pharmacy                 | 601 Atlantic Blvd.     | Jacksonville, FL   | N/A                            | N/A                  | Listed under "Soda Fountains" in the City Directory.                   |                               |
 |          |                                    | Corner Kings Road      |                    |                                |                      |                                                                        |                               |
 |1911      | Bowden Lithia Water                | N/A                    | Jacksonville, FL   | N/A                            | N/A                  | Found in a Jacksonville Metropolis advertisement dated 7-13-1911.      |                               |
 |1912      | Bowden                             | N/A                    | Jacksonville, FL   | The Bettes Pharmacy            | N/A                  | Found in newspaper advertisements with Bettes Pharmacy, distributor.   |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Listed under "Mineral Waters Department."                              |                               |
 |    Brainol Co. - various names - 1911-1923, it is likely that this is the same company:                                                                                                                                                                      |
 |1911      | Brainol Co., The                   | N/A                    | Jacksonville, FL   | N/A                            | N/A                  | Listed in a Florida Times-Union advertisement dated July 5, 1911.      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | The Brainol Co., Jacksonville and Pensacola.                           |                               |
 |1913-16   | Brainol Co., The                   | 9 Jefferson            | Jacksonville,  FL  | 1913:    J.D. Baker, Pres;     | N/A                  | Listed under "Bottling Works" in City Dir.  No listings found for      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    | 1913:    John Henderson,       |                      | 1911 or 1912.  During 1912 J.D. Baker is shown as Secrtary of          |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |          Sec./Treas.           |                      | Southern Furniture & Supply and John Henderson shows as Sec./Treas.    |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    | 1913-16: J.C. Wells, Mgr.      |                      | of Cond. Land Co.                                                      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    | 1914-15: P.E. White,           |                      |                                                                        |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |          Sec./Treas.           |                      |                                                                        |                               |
 |1917-19   | Brainol Mfg. Co.                   | 1528 Enterprise        | Jacksonville,  FL  | 1917-19:  T. F. Carson, Pres.  | 1466/M-2466          | Listed under "Bottlers-Carbonated Beverages" in City Dir. and          |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    | 1917-19:  J.C. Wells, V.P.     |                      | Florida Gazetteer.  Listed in a Jacksonville Metropolis ad dated       |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    | 1917-19:  Fred. E. Boston,     |                      | May 2, 1917 as the "Successor to Pepsi-Cola Botg. Co." and the 1528    |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |           Treasurer            |                      | Enterprise address is the site of the former Pepsi-Cola Bott. Co.      |                               |
 |1920-22   | Bra-Nola Co.                       | 1528 Enterprise        | Jacksonville,  FL  | 1920-22:  T. F. Carson, Pres.  | N/A                  | Listed under "Bottlers-Carbonated Beverages" in City Dir.              |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    | 1920-22:  J.C. Wells, V.P.     |                      | Florida Gazetteer.  Listed in a Jacksonville Metropolis ad dated       |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    | 1920-22:  Fred. E. Boston,     |                      | May 2, 1917 as the "Successor to Pepsi-Cola Botg. Co."                 |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |           Treasurer            |                      |                                                                        |                               |
 |1923      | Bra-Nola Co.                       | 1524 Enterprise        | Jacksonville,  FL  | N/A                            | N/A                  | Listed in the Beverage Blue Book for 1923, however 1524-1528           |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Enterprise shows as vacant in the City Dir. and T.F. Carson shows      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | as employed by Jax Furniture Co. during 1923.                          |                               |
 |1933-34   | Bradley, Sarah (soft drinks)       | 601 Washington         | Jacksonville, FL   | Sarah Bradley                  | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks-Retail" in the City Directory.               |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Soda Fountain or general retailer.                                     |                               |
 |1921-26   | Braren, B.K. (soft drinks)         | 1921-23: 905 Davis     | Jacksonville, FL   | B.K. Braren                    | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    | 1925-26: 829 W. Ashley |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1937-42   | Braser Bott. Co.                   | 417 E 2nd              | Jacksonville,  FL  | 1937-38: Edward L Farris;      | N/A                  | Listed under "Bottlers-Carbonated Beverages" in City Dir.              |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    | 1939-42: John A. Farris, Mgr.  | N/A                  | from 1937-1942.  This address is shown as vacant during 1936 and       |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | also in 1943.   Also, reference is made to Braser in a                 |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Jacksonville Journal article dated 9/18/29 entitled "Jax Furnaces      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Turn Out 50,000 Daily."                                                |                               |
 |1918-22   | Breden, Henry (soft drinks)        | 1000 Myrtle Ave.       | Jacksonville, FL   | Henry Breden                   | N/A                  | Listed in the City Directory under "soft drinks."                      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | This is likely a retailer.                                             |                               |
 |1923      | Brewington, Daisy (soft drinks)    | 1200 East 3rd          | Jacksonville, FL   | Daisy Brewington               | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1907-08   | Brinkley & Baines Flats            | Main S.E. Corner       | Jacksonville,  FL  | Calvin Brinkley                | N/A                  | Also listed as "Real Estate."  Shown at various addressed during       |                               |
 |          |                                    | Church                 |                    | A.F. Baines                    |                      | the two year period.  From 1903-1906, Brinkley is shown                |                               |
 |          |                                    | 421 Main               |                    |                                |                      | with various lumber and contractor companies.  No research was         |                               |
 |          |                                    | 108 W. Forsyth         |                    |                                |                      | conducted prior to 1903.  The first listings indicating this           |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | company was connected with bottling or retailing of soft drinks        |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | appear in 1909.                                                        |                               |
 |1909-10   | Brinkley & Baines                  | 421 Main St.           | Jacksonville,  FL  | Calvin Brinkley                | N/A                  | Listed under "Mineral Waters" in the City Directories.  It is most     |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    | A.F. Baines                    |                      | likely that this is strictly a retailer and not a bottling works       |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | or manufacturer.  These are the only years that the company is listed  |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | under Mineral Water and it is unclear why it is listed as such.        |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | During these two years, the company is listed as Real Estate and       |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Flats.                                                                 |                               |
 |1911-16   | Brinkley & Baines                  | 421 Main St.           | Jacksonville,  FL  | Calvin Brinkley                | N/A                  | From 1911 through 1916, the company continues to be listed as          |                               |
 |          |                                    | 304-404 Clark Bldg.    |                    | A.F. Baines                    |                      | Real Estate and Flats, and no mention or classified listings           |                               |
 |          |                                    | 426 St. James Bldg.    |                    |                                |                      | concerning Mineral Water.  Company was located at a number of          |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | addresses during this period.  No research was conducted beyond 1916.  |                               |
 |1923      | Brickley, John (soft drinks)       | 528 West State         | Jacksonville, FL   | John Brickley                  | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1921      | Brisby, John (soft drinks)         | Corner East 21st and   | Jacksonville, FL   | John Brisby                    | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    | Buckman                |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1946      | Britton, Alonzo (soft drinks)      | 214 Chambliss          | Jacksonville, FL   | Alonzo Britton                 | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks-retail" in the City Directory.               |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Soda fountain or general retailer.                                     |                               |
 |1912-16   | Broad Rock Spring Water            | Bay N.E. corner        | Jacksonville,  FL  | The Bettes Pharmacy            | Tels. 156 and 158    | Listed in a Bettes Pharmacy advertisement in "The Mineral Water        |                               |
 |          |                                    | Laura                  |                    |                                |                      | Department."  Bettes is shown as the local distributor.                |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Broad Rock is imported from Chesterfield County, Virgina.              |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Listed in the 1916 City Directory under "Mineral Water" with           |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Bettes Pharmacy shown as "State Agents."                               |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | No listings found prior to 1911 or after 1916.                         |                               |
 |1942-48   | Brown, Bruce (soft drinks)         | 1006 Kings Road        | Jacksonville, FL   | Bruce G. Brown                 | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks-retail" in the City Directory.               |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Soda fountain or general retailer.                                     |                               |
 |1927      | Brown, Elbert (soft drinks)        | 539 1/2 West State     | Jacksonville, FL   | Elbert Brown                   | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1929      | Brown, Emma (soft drinks)          | 3304(3229) Haines      | Jacksonville, FL   | Emma Brown                     | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1924      | Brown, B. (soft drinks)            | 23 Greeley             | Jacksonville, FL   | B. Brown                       | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1926      | Brown, B.H. (soft drinks)          | 1326 Davis             | Jacksonville, FL   | B.H. Brown                     | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1928      | Brown, Benjamin H. (soft drinks)   | 1818 Illinois          | Jacksonville, FL   | Benjamin H. Brown              | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1935      | Brown Derby, The                   | 835 Kings Road         | Jacksonville, FL   | N/A                            | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1920      | Brown, Harold (soft drinks)        | 640 West Ashley        | Jacksonville, FL   | Harold Brown                   | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1929-31   | Heil Brown Water Co.               | 1929:    115 Mary      | Jacksonville,  FL  | N/A                            | N/A                  | Listed in the City Directory under "Water Supply Companies".   It is   |                               |
 |          |                                    | 1930-31: 35 Center     |                    |                                |                      | unknown if this is a bottler, distributor or commercial water          |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | system company.  No information found prior to 1930, and no listings   |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | found for 1932.                                                        |                               |
 |1928      | Brown, John (soft drinks)          | 1128 Davis             | Jacksonville, FL   | John Brown                     | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1929      | Brown, Mary (soft drinks)          | 931 (925) Bridier      | Jacksonville, FL   | Mary Brown                     | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1931-40   | Brown, Mary (soft drinks)          | 1835(1635) W. State    | Jacksonville, FL   | Mary Brown                     | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks-Retail" in the City Directory.               |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Soda Fountain or general retailer.                                     |                               |
 |1947-49   | Brown, Nathan (soft drinks)        | 517 1/2 West State     | Jacksonville, FL   | Nathan Brown                   | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks-retail" in the City Directory.               |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Soda fountain or general retailer.                                     |                               |
 |1942      | Brown, Nathanael (soft drinks)     | 1339 West State St.    | Jacksonville, FL   | Nathanael Brown                | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks-retail" in the City Directory.               |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Soda fountain or general retailer.                                     |                               |
 |1941      | Brown, Saml (soft drinks)          | 1835 West State St.    | Jacksonville, FL   | Samuel Brown                   | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks-retail" in the City Directory.               |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Soda fountain or general retailer.                                     |                               |
 |1943      | Brown, Saml (soft drinks)          | 1339 West State St.    | Jacksonville, FL   | Samuel Brown                   | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks-retail" in the City Directory.               |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Soda fountain or general retailer.                                     |                               |
 |1924      | Brown, Susie (soft drinks)         | 13th and Moncrief Rd.  | Jacksonville, FL   | Susie Brown                    | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1929      | Brown, William (soft drinks)       | 795 West Ashley        | Jacksonville, FL   | William Brown                  | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1925      | Brown, Wilson (soft drinks)        | 5 Rushing              | Jacksonville, FL   | Wilson Brown                   | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1963      | Brownie                            | N/A                    | Jacksonville,  FL  | N/A                            | N/A                  | See Citrus Products Company                                            | 1963: Brownie, 10 oz, Brown   |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      |                                                                        |   and White, Clear Glass,     |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      |                                                                        |   Citrus Products Co.,        |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      |                                                                        |   Jacksonville, Fla.          |
 |1921      | Brunson, Lilly (soft drinks)       | 1516 Jefferson         | Jacksonville, FL   | Lilly Brunson                  | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1918-21   | Bryan, J.B. (soft drinks)          | 511 Main               | Jacksonville, FL   | J.B. Bryan                     | N/A                  | Listed in the City Directory under "soft drinks."                      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | This is likely a retailer.                                             |                               |
 |1920      | Bryant, Herbert (soft drinks)      | 335 Park               | Jacksonville, FL   | Herbert Bryant                 | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1918-21   | Bryant, Pell (soft drinks)         | 1918: 1602 Florida     | Jacksonville, FL   | Pell Bryant                    | N/A                  | Listed in the City Directory under "soft drinks."                      |                               |
 |          |                                    |       Ave.             |                    |                                |                      | This is likely a retailer.                                             |                               |
 |          |                                    | 1921: 1670 Evergreen   |                    |                                |                      |                                                                        |                               |
 |          |                                    |       Ave.             |                    |                                |                      |                                                                        |                               |
 |1918      | Bryant, W.H. (soft drinks)         | 499 South Myrtle Ave.  | Jacksonville, FL   | W.H. Bryant                    | N/A                  | Listed in the City Directory under "soft drinks."                      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | This is likely a retailer.                                             |                               |
 |1920      | Bryant, W.J. (soft drinks)         | 1044 Florida Ave.      | Jacksonville, FL   | W.J. Bryant                    | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1947      | Bubble Up Bottling Co.             | 350 Ernest St.         | Jacksonville,  FL  | F. J. Batleo, Pres.            | N/A                  | Listed in the "Directory of A.B.C.B. Membership, June 1, 1947.         | 1947: Bubble Up, 7 oz.; Red   |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | City Directory shows no address at 350 Ernest, however 358 Ernest is   |   and White, Dark Green       |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | listed as the Whistle-Vess Cola Bottling Co.  As reported in the       |   glass, 1947; Bubble Up      |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Report to the Secretary of State-Florida, "Bubble Up" was trademarked  |   Bottling Co.,               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | in the State of Florida on 04-02-29 by W. M. Ramsey.                   |   Jacksonville, Fla.          |
 |1950      | Bubble Up                          | N/A                    | Jacksonville,  FL  | N/A                            | N/A                  | See 1950 listing for Whistle-Vess Cola Bottling Co.                    |                               |
 |1904      | Buckhead Lithia                    | N/A                    | Jacksonville, FL   | C.C. Bettes Co.                | N/A                  | Found in newspaper advertisement with C.C. Bettes Company,             |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | distributor.                                                           |                               |
 |1909-12   | Buckhead Mineral Water             | N/A                    | Jacksonville, FL   | The Bettes Pharmacy            | N/A                  | Found in newspaper advertisements with Bettes Pharmacy, distributor.   |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Listed under "Mineral Waters Department."                              |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | "Buckhead-Virginia's Greatest Lithia Water."                           |                               |
 |1925      | Bucklew, J.L. (soft drinks)        | 401 Kings Road         | Jacksonville, FL   | J.L. Bucklew                   | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |    Buffalo Rock 1923-1930:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   |
 |1923-26   | Buffalo Rock Ginger Ale            | N/A                    | Jacksonville,  FL  | Chero-Cola Bottling Co.        | Tel 5-7261           | Listed in a various Florida Times-Union advertisements from            |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | July 19, 1923 through July 1926.  Listed as a product of               |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Chero-Cola Bottling Co. Jacksonville, Fla.                             |                               |
 |1927      | Buffalo Rock Bott. Co.             | N/A                    | Jacksonville,  FL  | N/A                            | N/A                  | No listings or evidence has been found to confirm that a separate      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | company actually operated under this name prior to 1928.  During 1927  |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | the 634 Margaret Sreet address is shown as Chero-Cola Bottling Co.     |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | and Edward Bates is listed as president and treasurer of same.         |                               |
 |1928      | Buffalo Rock Bott. Co.             | 634-638  Margaret      | Jacksonville,  FL  | Edward Bates, Mgr.             | Tel 5-7261           | Listed under "Bottlers-Carbonated Beverages"  Bottlers of Buffalo      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Rock Ginger Ale as listed in City Dir.  It would appear that this      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | is the first year the company operated under this name.                |                               |
 |1929      | Buffalo Rock Bott. Co.             | 435 (634) Margaret     | Jacksonville,  FL  | Edward Bates, Mgr.             | Tel 5-7261           | Listed under "Bottlers-Carbonated Beverages"  Bottler of Buffalo       |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Rock Ginger Ale as listed in City Dir.                                 |                               |
 |1930      | Buffalo Rock Ginger Ale            | 2070 Lackawanna Ave.   | Jacksonville,  FL  | N/A                            | 7-7217               | Listed in various advertisments for Orange-Crush Beverages, Inc.       |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | dated July 2, 1930 through July 28, 1930.                              |                               |
 |1930      | Buffalo Rock Bott. Co.             | 634 Palm               | Jacksonville,  FL  | Edward Bates, Mgr.             | N/A                  | Listed in the Beverage Blue Book and Catolog, 3rd edition; also in     |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | the 1930 edition of the United Beverage Bureau book, but these are     |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | questionable.  Also shown under the name of Cascade Bottling Co.       |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | It is believed that Margaret St. was renamed to Palm St. during 1930,  |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | but the Cascade Company continues to show up on Margaret St.           |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | into 1933, with Edward Bates shown as working for Cascade.  It would   |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | appear Buffalo Rock ceased operations or was renamed during 1929.      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Also see 1930 listing for Orange Crush Beverages Inc.                  |                               |
 |1926      | Buie, D.T. (soft drinks)           | 3108 Railroad Ave.     | Jacksonville, FL   | D.T. Buie                      | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1940-41   | Bunney, Robert (soft drinks)       | 12-16 West Bay St.     | Jacksonville, FL   | Robert Bunney                  | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks-Retail" in the City Directory.               |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Soda fountain or general retailer.                                     |                               |
 |1918      | Burce, W.H. (soft drinks)          | Ortega Blvd.           | Jacksonville, FL   | W.H. Burce                     | N/A                  | Listed in the City Directory under "soft drinks."                      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | This is likely a retailer.                                             |                               |
 |1944-48   | Burgess, Willie (soft drinks)      | 802 Clay               | Jacksonville, FL   | Willie Burgess                 | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks-retail" in the City Directory.               |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | Soda fountain or general retailer.                                     |                               |
 |1922      | Burgman, Gus (soft drinks)         | 1010 Callon            | Jacksonville, FL   | Gus Burgman                    | N/A                  | Listed in the City Directory under "Soft Drinks."  It is likely        |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | this is just a retailer or soda fountain.                              |                               |
 |1917      | Burke, H.E.                        | 24 Main                | Jacksonville, FL   | H.E. Burke                     | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1921      | Burnside, A.E. (soft drinks)       | 111 1/2 St Johns Ave.  | Jacksonville, FL   | A.E. Burnside                  | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1920      | Butler, J.H. (soft drinks)         | 1015 West Bay St.      | Jacksonville, FL   | J.H. Butler                    | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |
 |1918      | Buttons, W.R. (soft drinks)        | 742 West Ashley        | Jacksonville, FL   | W.R. Buttons                   | N/A                  | Listed in the City Directory under "soft drinks."                      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | This is likely a retailer.                                             |                               |
 |1923-24   | Byard, Prince (soft drinks)        | 1045 Florida Ave.      | Jacksonville, FL   | Prince Byard                   | N/A                  | Listed under "Soft Drinks" in the City Directory.  This is likely      |                               |
 |          |                                    |                        |                    |                                |                      | a soda fountain or retailer.                                           |                               |